no words to say...

Saturday, December 11, 2010 |

No words to say. No words to convey. The feeling inside I have for you.

The lyrics above, from one of my favorite Tracy Chapman cards, sums up exactly how we feel about our Emma bean who turns 11 months old today.  I'm not exactly sure where the time flew away to but I know its been the most wonderful and exciting (and hard!) 11 months of our lives.  There are no words for our love for her, the way in which she enriches our lives, and how much we look forward to every day with her.

Oh Emma, mommy & daddy love so much about you at 11 months, this is gonna be hard....

Beane, what we love most about you at 11 months:
- that you are learning to read books. you point to pictures and flip the pages and squeal with delight. 
- how talkative you are! you actually know the word "baby", "puppy", and of course our favorites "mama & dada" we love listening to you jibber jabber and learn your voice.
- how you sing especially when we are in the car
- that you now ride forward facing and can see everything going on
- your strong, bold personality that is so sweet at the same time

- how you really LOVE to make messes (yes, we actually LOVE this, its hysterical!)
- your give big hugs to mom, dad, and all your stuffed animals
- how much you love to eat! you like to remind us what a big girl you are and do it yourself! i laugh that i sometimes have to pour your bottle into your sippy cup to get you to drink it!
- how playful and friendly you are. you love playing with your friends at daycare. you are such a social butterfly
- how much you love your puppy. watching you toss the ball to deja is so cute!
- playing dress up with you! and watching you explore your shoes, headbands, and clothes is adorable!
- your sweet kisses. big, open mouthed, slobbery ones = the best!!!!
- your sweet face and smile....what a beauty!
- how it is virtually impossible to get you to sit still....something tells me this is going to be an ongoing theme.

Emma Claire, you are perfect. We are so blessed to be your parents. You make life so beautiful and you shine from the inside out!!!  Someday you'll understand how much we love you....until then, we'll just have to tell you every single day :)
Happy 11 months!!


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