gotta love the weekend!

Monday, November 15, 2010 |
Oh what a weekend it was! I actually had to work on Saturday morning....but we managed to have an absolutely wonderful weekend. Friday night we had dinner with my current team from work. Every so often as a resident you'll have a team of interns, med students, and an attending with a super fun team dynamic. This month has totally been that way and it has made for a really great work environment. We all decided to grab a bite to eat on Friday night, significant others included, and had a great time chowing down on Mexico Lindo. Mmmmmm.
Saturday morning, despite a few hours at work, I was free of clinical duties at around 12pm. I was welcomed at home by our dear friend Heiko...a friend since freshman year in college. I haven't seen Heiko since I graduated from medical school....I remember the morning after my graduation party well. Ryan and I sat on one couch, Heiko on the other as we made breakfast plans. "Oh, one more thing Heiko.....we're pregnant!!!" His reaction was priceless then and it was so fun to see him and get to introduce him to Emma. Also in town were our friends Adam and Lee all the way from South Florida. We packed up Emma's stroller and headed to campus for some fun tailgating. Emma is the best tailgator.....she REALLY gets into the people watching. Especially entertaining is how she points at everyone and says, "Baby!". Silly gator :)
Sunday morning meant sleeping in for all members of the Murphy family. After Emma woke and chugged down her morning bottle it was off to play!
Her latest obsession are her magnet letters.
Can you spot the baby? She loves to hide in the shelf and pop out "PeekaBOO!"
The morning was filled with banana pancakes, lots of playtime, and a very special mission a la daddy and Uncle Heiko!
My wonderful honey spent the morning hanging Emma's first swing. Here is is basking in the proud glory that he so valiantly earned :)
Pure JOY.
Next it was off to Grandma and Grandpa's house for some playtime. We wanted to get a good family photo for our first holiday photo card. To really get Emma in the mood, we broke out the bag of bows and let her go to town. I cannot WAIT for the real thing! ;)
Here's an outtake from our mini photoshoot. Emma is at the age where sitting still is not really an option anymore. The photo chosen to be used as our holiday card certainly reflects this. She was a wiggle worm on steroids that day!
Little Miss Mischief
Here she is tolerating a little reindeer headband torture. Someday I think I may be hated for this photograph :) For now, I think its pretty dang adorable.

A busy week lies ahead. I am loving my rotation despite the long hours and hard work. I think I've finally decided what I want to be when I grow up (more on that in a different post) :) I am, however, looking forward to vacation in December. It will be absolutely magical to spend the holiday with my family! I hope the week is off to a great start for everyone!

Until next time....!!


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