Another month of fun has passed and now we are proud parents to a 10 month old!!!!!!! I don't even know where to start. This is by far and away our favorite stage yet (I say this at every stage, don't I?) I'm not sure if its her fiesty personality, her love of snuggling, or everything else in between....but she just keeps getting better and better. In honor of her 10 monthday...."What We Love About You" is back. Here goes. Emma, what mommy and daddy love most about you at 10 months....
...everything. it counts. because it's true!...
...that you're TALKING!!!! "my puppy" is the first real phrase :) what a smarty!...
...that you love to dance. when music starts, you sway, wiggle, and shake that tush...
...your "lip strumming". you make the cutest noise and strum your lip for fun...
...your squeals and shrieks. excitement is your middle name....
....that deep belly laugh. oooooohhh that laugh. we'll do anything for that laugh... you play with deja. the two of you are like real friends...
...your hugs and open mouth kisses. the best!...
...your two tooth grin...
...watching you learn to walk!...
...our morning family snuggle routine...
...playing catch, peek a boo, games with you!!...
...the list goes on...
emma claire, our sweet baby bean, every day with you is more lovely than the last. you make us smile from the inside out. we are the luckiest people alive to be your parents. thank you for making life infinitely more bright and meaningful. we LOVE you!
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