what a hodge podge of a weekend it has been. we've done a little bit of everything in the past couple of days. first of all....how did i manage to get the weekend off?? magic, i say! ;) a good friend from work covered for me today {i should be at work right now as i'm technically starting my nighttime rotation today} because we booked maternity/family photos with my favorite of all favorite photographers ms. jenn hopkins. and it's a good thing she did for another unforseen reason. don't get too excited...there's no mr. ben yet. he's got a little more baking to do!
friday afternoon i came home early from work. it had been quite the stressful day, much more so than most. i have been having braxton hicks contractions since i was probably 20 weeks pregnant but there was something different about friday. there was, dare i say, a regularity and a strength to the ones i was having that made me nervous. long story short, i ended up home early and in the bathtub with the jets pounding steadily on my back and a candle lit in the corner. ben and i had a heart to heart and i told him that while i know things are a little hectic right now, they are going to slow down very very soon. he seemed content with that explanation and things quieted down. i guzzled some water and took a nice afternoon nap. i felt well enough to attend a birthday party that night and hang out {i.e. sit} with friends.
the next morning, we headed over to pick up emma from her mimi and pop's house. we spent the morning running errands and the afternoon starting to set up her new big girl room. ben seemed content and while i didn't feel 100%, the contractions were less frequent and definitely not regular. we were on the hunt for several things in particular...one of which was a large vanity mirror for the master bathroom. we didn't have any luck but got some laughs trying.....
i got a few bizarre looks at the store and here's why {i mean, aside from me photographing myself in the mirrors like a crazy lady}...
we got emma's big girl bed all set up and got a good start to her room. she was absolutely ECSTATIC over her new digs. her bed is low enough to the ground that she can easily climb in and out on her own....and if she were to, god forbid, roll out, it's only like a foot to the ground so she wouldn't be in danger. she went down with ease and slept without a peep until almost 9 this morning. ryan and i must have been in her room like 5 times last night checking on her. i was half convinced she'd end up in the closet or nestled up with her stuffed animals but she stayed in her bed all night ;) she was on top of the moon when she woke up....immediately started squealing and jumping on the bed. i'd say we have a winner ;)
after a homemade pancake breakfast, more room assembly was in store. emma showed her grandparents her new room and helped with the move proudly. we ran a few more errands which resulted in the following photograph...
last but not least, we met up with ms. jenn and got some amazing and very special pictures of our growing family :) i cannot wait to see how they turned out....i was literally tearing up at the ones she showed me through her camera.
i head back to work tomorrow and will see the doctor first thing the following morning. i'm trying hard to hang with this insanity of a work schedule but he will make the final call on tuesday whether or not it's ok to keep working. i'm close to the end as it pertains to both pregnancy AND my crazy hours. but, at 34.5 weeks, its not quite safe for ben to come yet and it might be time to throw in the towel....or at least get switched to something a little less physically taxing.
we shall see. i'm not sure which way things will go but i can say this....spending a full fledged weekend OFF with my family and getting to rest a bit did wonders for my body....but more importantly, my soul. i'm so grateful that my friend was willing to cover for me so that i could enjoy a tiny break in this hellish month. it's the little moments that i miss....dancing in the living room to saturday morning cartoons, family walks, chasing a wet naked giggly toddler through the house post-bathtime, nighttime chats & snuggles with my hubby...simple things. i give myself a hard time for the possibility that i may need to pull out of work early.....but at the end of the day it's that family that really matters and i'm not letting ANYthing get in the way of that.

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