enjoying the small things

Thursday, May 5, 2011 |
hi friends, how is your week treating you?

our little chickadee is under the weather with some daycare virus.  thankfully her spirits are high and this thing isn't slowing her down a bit.  i'm home from work giving her love and counting the seconds till she passes it along. * sniffle cough cough. in other health related news, we're headed to the ENT doctor tomorrow....i'm keeping my fingers crossed that he doesn't think surgery is needed.  if he does, well, that's ok too but obviously we'd rather not. if you have no idea what i'm talking about catch up here.

as summer rolls in {or at least FEELS like it's rolling in, right?} we're enjoying simple pleasures around the murphy house.  the new afternoon routine typically involves playing in the wade pool {the real pool is still just a tad too cold yet}and decorating the back deck with sidewalk chalk {which, by the way, i forgot how fun this stuff is!!!}.  emma typically comes home from daycare absolutely filthy thanks to long hours on the playground so after a pre-rinse of sorts in the wade pool its onward to the tub. thank goodness my child might be a mermaid.....she loves water....LOVES it.

those "kids say the darndest things" shows have always been pretty funny to me. emma is racking up a collection of fun with words. we were driving home from daycare a few days ago when emma started to fuss. she generally knows when we are getting close to home and gets all wiggly and fidgety.  i looked back at her with a funny sad face and said "ohhhh nooooo" in response to her fuss.  her fit immediately turned into fits of laughter and i was feeling pretty proud of myself for diffusing her little tantrum.

 a few hours later, we were having family time before emma's bedtime.  she's learned how to give big kisses which is just about the cutest thing ever to ryan and me.  i kept pestering her to "give mommy a kiss!" and finally she looked right at me and said "ohhhhh nooooooo!".  this time it was me who was laughing....so hard tears were rolling down my face.  ryan got the funny moment on camera ;)

in pregnancy news, i am very boring and have nothing to report. i feel great and honestly would not know i was pregnant if i did not know i was pregnant {make sense?} i occasionally get heartburn or something super minor like that but cannot complain at all.  WAY easier the 2nd time around. i can feel the baby kicking already which is fun.  this actually started a couple of weeks ago and despite having already gone through this with emma, it is no less amazing ;)

 my two favorite people wanted in on the 15 week belly shots ;) emma knows the word belly and has no shame about pointing to one and shouting "belly!".

i'm pretty shocked at how big my belly has gotten so early this time around. with emma, i didn't even have the slightest of a bump until now....and even then, if you didn't know me, you never would have been able to tell.  at 15 weeks i look like I'm about 5-6 months pregnant. i'm told the end point will be the same, i'll just get there faster. ay yay yay.

hope you all have a wonderful weekend.....enjoying the small things ;)


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