off to a great start

Monday, January 16, 2012 |
happy monday! :) the weekend was filled with "big girl panties" and frequent trips to the potty as "danpa" and ryan took a stab at an intensive potty training session with little miss emma.  i worked all day sunday so i missed most of the fun but got to catch up with everyone later in the evening where i got to get in on some of the fun. first of all, i never knew elmo panties could be so cute. i'm pretty sure emma is the only girl in the murphy house who can pull them off but dang it if they aren't the cutest things around!  

we met with our pediatrician this week for emma's 2 year well child check and got a wonderful SHOT FREE clean bill of health.  i worked all day on her actual birthday so the following day was an emma-mommy day.  we don't get alot of alone time together and it was a very sweet way to spend the day.  we started off at the doctor.....and learned that emma is a very big girl in more ways than one! she's always been in the 95th percentile for both height and weight. well, now....she's still on that same curve for weight but is officially OFF the pediatric growth charts for height!  she's a precocious little thing and is functioning, developmentally speaking, at the 2 1/2 - 3 year old level according to the doctor.  boy do we have our work cut out for us come adolescenthood ;) 

 she's speaking in full 5-6 word sentences and is very interested in reading books of all kinds, doing puzzles, coloring, and trying to figure out how things work.  she's got her favorite books and asks for certain pages in each one.  for one of her books, there is a little boy with a scraped knee.  she always asks to "kiss little boy boo boo" and quickly finds the page and plants one on him.  speaking of, the teachers at school keep telling me she has a "boyfriend".  one of her favorite friends, sebastian, who they all call "sebas" is a frequent topic of emma conversation....and is the little boy she happened to kiss the other day.  ay yay yay. 

i love watching her grow and learn.

little benjamin is just as sweet as he can be.  he tolerates being a part of our crazy family so well and is just the most mellow FLIRTACIOUS little thing you'll ever meet.  he has an amazing attention span and will sit on my lap and "talk" with me for 20 minutes at a time.  he smiles so hard i swear his cheeks will fall off and makes it really super hard to put him down. like ever.

emma waffles between getting a little jealous of the attention sharing and being really nurturing and loving with him.  i picked her up from school a few days back after getting ben in his carseat/stroller.  all of the toddlers were interested and trying to look into ben's carseat.....but were stopped by his menacing big sister who kept yelling "NO TOUCH emma's baby ben!!!".  i just about died laughing. you tell em, big sister :)

oh mr. b. have i mentioned how much i love you? you are truly a wonder baby. i cannot believe you'll be 3 months old this week!

life seems to be flying by at lightning speed. every day is a mix of getting through to the next but also trying to grasp onto these magical and fleeting moments at the same time.  we've sort of settled into some semblance of organized chaos that seems to be working for the time being. our weekly routine with the kids is established and we're in a groove. just in times for things to get shaken up, i'm it always goes with little ones.  i am very much counting down the days & minutes until i move onto fellowship and have my weekends back for the first time in years. i've always said that i don't mind the hours i work during the week if i could just have my weekends off....and finally that dream will be a reality!

the future is looking better and better. but never better than the right now :)


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