two weeks.

Friday, November 4, 2011 |
first, i have to confess that i meant to post this yesterday but literally fell asleep sitting upright on the couch with the computer in my lap. ha! such is life with a newborn & a toddler :)

now, would you believe it if i told you that it has been 2 weeks since ben was born?! it's true....and i can barely believe it!!! it's hard work, let me tell you.  but it's so fun to see our family grow and change together.  it's helpful that emma has such a good schedule because we basically keep to that and ben is sort of along for the ride at this point.  he is an easy baby....he really only fusses when he is hungry, has a wet diaper, or has gas.  and anything can be fixed by food, a change, or snuggles.  OR a swaddle.  that little dude looooooves a good swaddle.  

i've so treasured my alone time with him ~ getting to know his patterns and his ways in these early weeks. snuggling with him and taking him all in. someday i'll find it hard to believe he was ever this small and i really cherish these moments.  what i've learned so far is that he seems more mellow than emma did at this age ~ he has a solemn, serious look during his awake he is a little buddha taking in and thinking about the world around him.  he love love LOVES his playmat and really enjoys stretching out on it....he's a trooper when it comes to tummy time and usually tells me he's had enough buy just turning his head to the side and going to sleep ;)  he is a big eater and seems to do so constantly.....when breastfed he can last about 2 hours, when we give formula more like 3.  although, somehow, at night, he goes for 4-5 hour stretches for us and for that w are very very thankful.  he is just such a sweet little thing and we {including emma!} are quite enamored with him.

this week has been "theme" week at Baby Gator.  on monday all the kids wore there halloween costumes, today was "pajama day" {can my work please institute this as an option for us adults???}, and one of the days was "crazy hair" day.  emma's hair went up in crazy "fountains" as we all call them.

at one point during getting ready, she got very very excited about something....

....and now you understand why ;)

eveningtimes are probably the hardest but also the most fun. everyone is home and our home transforms into a jungle gym.  ben has started having more wakeful periods including one in the early evening so he joins in on the fun. and just as a sidenote....someone gave mommy and daddy 6 straight hours of sleep last night ;)

today is the start of UF homecoming. its chilly out but we are packing up the kids and heading out to the parade and to enjoy this beautiful fall weather together!  happy weekend!


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