we survived!

Saturday, October 29, 2011 |
we officially survived our first week as parents of two. two UNDER two ;)  it has honestly been an absolute JOY.  tiring and quite the juggle but an absolute blessing and a joy.  ryan is the most amazing husband and father....and he handles sleep deprivation WAY better than me so he helps me keep my sanity when i'm starting to fray at the ends a bit.  thank you, honey!  with emma, everything was so brand new which only served to make it more exhausting of an experience. with ben, while he is certainly his own little person, we have at least some frame of reference which helps make it more manageable.  he's a great little kiddo and we are loving getting to know him.  what i can tell you so far: he LOVES to be held and swaddled.  he eats like crazy....i call him my little shark....you know the way hungry sharks grab onto food and shake their heads.....yea, thats ben.  at our first newborn appointment, 5 days after he was born, he was already almost back to birthweight. he's gotten his days and nights figured out and we're already on a pretty good nighttime feeding schedule which makes life so much more manageable.  he didn't mind his first bath too much but he is not a fan of being naked or diaper changes. he usually has a very serious look on his face and seems to be intently studying the world around him during his awake times.  maybe he'll be my wise old soul and emma will be my spunky lighthearted burst of energy ;)

emma continues to do awesome with her new role as big sister.  she's very concerned about ben's "baby bellybutton" and making sure that he doesn't get all the blankets in the house ;)  she wakes up in the morning asking for "baby ben" and when he cries she tells me "baby sad".  she's just so sweet with him and makes me wonder why i ever worried that the transition would be difficult. as usual, it was just me worrying.  it is amazing how your heart is capable of loving so much and i can't tell you how good it feels.  there's nothing that even comes close.

with the weather being so nice, we've spent a few nights on the back porch.  emma plays with her easel and gets as dirty as humanly possible....it's the perfect way to end the day.  ben is along for the ride and listens to the birds chirping and his sisters squeals.  bathtime is inevitably next....and emma requires multiple rinse downs after a good painting session.  we've started quite the collection of emma murphy originals!

we added another addition to the murphy family this week.  a new car!  if you know us, you know we like to pack it all in at once.  a new baby and a new car in one week....why not!  i graduated to full soccer mom-hood as we bought a toyota highlander.....perfect for baby toting and adventure having.  it was sad to see the volvo go but this thing makes things so much easier.  we got a great deal on it....and i'm convinced that the guys at the dealership were just creeped out by the fact that i breastfed in the back of the volvo while we were there....they just wanted us gone! ha! whatever works ;)

oh my mr ben. i love you more than you'll ever know. while i didn't think it possible, my heart is even MORE full now that you are here. i love the way your sister loves you and how you've completed our family.  it all just makes sense now ;)


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