When my best friend, Elisa, threw our baby shower this time last year, I'm sure no one ever dreamed that the baby inside my belly would actually read their well wishes :) I love cards and I'm not too embarassed to admit that I've definitely cried in the card section at Target. I have a box at home filled with special cards and notes I've gotten through the years. I have the first card Ryan every wrote to me....we were 15 and had been dating for three months. It's covered in a coffee stain and is tattered at the edge but I can't and won't ever get rid of it. I have notes we passed in the back of high school algebra class....some of them too hard to read because our scribbled handwriting is starting to fade. I have cards from my parents, my brother, all the cards we got at our wedding, and I just recently added a few I got for my first mother's day. I'm such a sap. But, there is just something about cards.....the way people fill them with a message meant just for you for a very particular moment of time. I love handwritten notes and I wish sending them was still en vogue. Email is great for speedy communication but sometimes you just can't beat the sentiment behind a handwritten letter. Like stacks of other cards I've kept, the group we got at our baby shower is no different. I keep them in a silver box along with all of Emma's ultrasounds proudly displayed in Emma's room.
In an effort to entertain her, I pulled down the box one day this week. Boy ohhhhhh boy.
First came the tossing of the cards....like big pieces of confetti.....all across the room. Then came the careful inspection of each and every last one. Open, close, open, close....dedede, nenene, lalalaLAAAAA!!!! Ok, moving on!
We must have sat there for an hour. I read cards to her and told her about the people who had written them. And then she read some to me and pretty soon it was time to pack up the cards before Emma turned them into real confetti!
When all is said and done, I think she was thoroughly entertained and I think I may have met the one person more enamored with cards than me. I can't wait until I have a note from the beanie to add to my stack :)

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