get far by sitting still

Sunday, April 22, 2012 |
i tend to jump into things. i'm struck with an idea, a motivation....and i dive headfirst. like many, i really enjoy crossing things off my to do list. it's easy for me to let something become all consuming.  my journey to a half marathon was no different. i conjured up this idea in my head one day and immediately spent a good hour furiously researching training programs, upcoming races, the best running gear.  since that time it's been full speed ahead....and to be completely honest, my training so far has changed me. running ~ something that i've never been particularly good at ~ has become like therapy for me. addictive therapy...that's healthy right? ;) my body is changing but more importantly and more inspiring is the way that running is impacting what's on the inside.  depending on the day its anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half of meditation on foot. i put everything else aside and i foot in front of the other. the wind hits my face (and in the case of a few weeks back, the rain drenches my body!) and there isn't anything rattling around in this brain of mine. it's quiet upstairs....and this is good.

i've learned more about the lengths to which i can push myself physically in the past few weeks than i have in a long time. after all, after 2 kids my body moves and works in a different kind of way. not good or bad, just different. i'm learning to respect it in a way i never have before. i've learned that while it's good to push....there is also a place for rest.  last week my body was feeling the effects of an intense training schedule and i decided after a suggestion from a friend to take the entire week off.  it felt wierd but when i came back to it after a week away....i ran my personal best run.  like....ever.  6 miles. how crazy is that?

funny to think that sometimes, the way to get the farthest is to just sit still.

i notice the benefit of taking a break in other areas of my life.  i've been studying my tail off for my medicine boards in august and just hit a wall last week.  one of my good friends said the most obvious yet elusive thing...."why don't you just take a week off?". and i did. and it's been awesome.  i'll open the books again tomorrow and see if i can start working on another personal best ;)

i've noticed that my re-entrance to the facebook world has taken me away from the blog and i don't like this.  i post pictures there rather than here and i don't make time for the words i so love to share.  while i do think its a fun avenue if nothing else to keep up with folks you don't see everyday....i'm contemplating shutting my account down again in an effort to simplify and focus my attention elsewhere.  i'm a self admitted facebook junkie and i think it might be time for a break up.

while we weren't looking, this little handsome man turned 6 months old. half a year already. you never get used to the way time flies as a parent and this is no different. i say this all the time but he is just the most phenomenal little guy.  such a sweet temperament with a big heart with love for snuggles.  he's a great sleeper and a great eater and watching his little personality shine through more and more each day is such a blessing in our murphy life.  he loves his bouncer more than life itself and will fill the house with squeals and shouts of glee while he's in it.  like any little boy, he loves to grab toys and bang them together. we are in major teething mode around pearly whites yet....but they sure are coming! ben's first easter basket was full to the brim of teething toys :)  and i think we may have a future NBA or NFL player on our hands.  he is off the charts for weight (22.4lb) and height (i don't remember the exact measurement at the moment!) and doesn't appear to be slowing down any time soon.

little big man, there are no words for my love for you.  being your mom is just the most wonderful gift.

emma continues to be quite the ham! i didn't realize that my child was such a party animal.  we went to the wedding of sara and craig (sara's sister elisa is my oldest dearest friend) last night and she partied like a rock star.  we brought her on the dance floor and she went WILD!!!

she's definitely a two year old and learning who she is! but she's so much fun.  constantly full of the most hysterical's so much fun actually having a conversation with her and hearing where her little mind goes.  she's quite into dress up, reading books, and as you can see below....getting into mommy's makeup.

my mischevious little monkey!  she's smart as a whip, this one.  i've started a journal of "the things she says" to give to her when she is older.  the pages are quickly filling with lots of comments that keep us in stitches.  for example.....while watching me changing ben's diaper the other day, she grabbed my leg and said "look mommy! ben has a little peanut!".  ryan and i just about died.

hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.  i'm hoping to refocus myself and be more present on this blog doing what i love best....sharing funny thoughts, family pictures, and documenting our everyday journey.  thanks for being patient with me while i do just that!



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