my sweet little lady...
"today was a good day". that's what you said to me as i kissed your head and tucked you in to sleep tonight. indeed it was, little one. between bagels and yoga and planting your first're was the perfect kind of day.
before you turned two, people warned your daddy and i about how fiercely you would try and exert your independence in the coming months. they warned us how simple things would become a struggle and that "no" would be your favorite word. they warned us that if we tried to put up resistance, it would only make things more difficult. it's hard work become who you are....especially when you are becoming someone as special and beautiful as you.
i didn't understand what they meant until now. you are strong. you are opinionated. and you think you are ready to take on the world. you are learning that being independent isn't always comfortable. you are brave and mischievous and love to entertain. you are persistent and sneaky and smart as a whip. you are beautiful, little one. inside and out.
you can also be difficult and moody and often defy all attempts at logic. rumor has it, this is just a phase. but even in your toughest moments, i have to smile because this little blip....this little rough you becoming YOU! and i love love love the little person i see.
i love you, sugarplum. always have, always will.