well, it's officially impossible to conceal the bags under my eyes! i'm one sleepy mama!!! pregnancy in general has been easy for me both times around....pretty much my only major complaint the entire time is overwhelming exhaustion. with emma, i had a great energy spurt in the middle and really didn't slow down until the last month. this time around.....that energy spurt came and went pretty quickly!
this little munchkin is keeping us busy!!!! i have never met a person, big or small, with so much curiosity and energy!!! she is such a fun little girl with the most loveable of personalities....and she's always 5 steps ahead of me ;) it is, hands down, the most amazing thing to watch her grow and develop....at this point on a DAILY basis. i swear she comes home every single day with something new to show us. she is actually far more interested in interacting with us and with others than playing with any of her toys....which makes me think that while i'm sure she'll experience some sibling related jealousy....that she's actually really ready to be a big sister. i just can't wait to see her with her little baby brother.
she had her 18 month checkup last week and got a huge clean bill of health! she's still in the 95th percentile for everything....she got THAT from her daddy! my favorite phrase these days is "emma touch" as she reaches out for everything. ha! she loves drinking from a cup and keeps ryan and i in stitches as she goes "AHHHH!" after a big gulp.
between work, an every growing belly, and home life....i'm one tired girl, i have to admit. i think it's something i'm just going to have to get used to especially as a parent to 2 under 2! ;) i have a couple of slow weeks at work with weekends off before i hit a 2 month stretch of hell. i'm trying not to think too far in advance but it's going to be tough. at the same time, we are finishing up the master/bath renovation & putting together emma's big girl room along with sprucing up the nursery for little ben. all in all....A LOT on our plate!!! sounds kind of crazy as i type it all out!!! by the time ben gets here....it will feel like vacation ;)
the icing on the cake, though, is that with the way i had my schedule put together for work this year....i'll get close to three months off starting in october. ben will be here, the house will be done, and the holidays and lots of time for celebration will be before us. i cannot wait!!!!!
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