a couple of cool things to share with you all. first, i started reading the book "The Veganist" by Kathy Freston. first, let me say that i am 1) NOT a vegan 2) not looking to BECOME a vegan but 3) DO think that the american food system is something that we need to pay more attention to and know more about. i watched the movie "Food Inc." with a friend months and months ago and was blown away. we, as a society, are so removed from the way in which our food is grown, harvested, packaged, prepared, and marketed to us that it's really quite terrifying. being in healthcare, i see every single day the consequences of poor food choices which is only one reason why i think it's so very important for us to be more aware about the way in which our food system works. the book itself does discuss the benefits of being a vegan in particular but my interest and reason in reading it is the very same reason for watching "Food Inc.". i want to be a conscious consumer and a conscious member of the environment. i want to understand where my food comes from and how i can choose food that has less of an environmental impact and is more humane. again...NOT a vegan and not looking to become one {i could, personally, not live without ice cream thank you!} but i still highly recommend this book.
second, are you guys on Pinterest?? Oh. My. Goodness. i am in LOVE with this site. it is, essentially, a virtual pinboard where you can "pin" pictures of things that you love to organized boards. it is so visually and aesthetically stimulating that it's hard for me to describe. you have to be "invited" which just means you request an invite and you get one....suuuuper exclusive ;) the only drawback is that you have to have a facebook or twitter account. ryan and i got off facebook about 6 months ago so i broke down and created a twitter account....this is laughable! i don't and WON'T tweet, i just did it for the pinterest, i swear!. you can follow your friends and share your pins & boards. to get an idea of what it's all about check out my pinboard here.
emma is loving her books lately. she is a very verbal little girl...our house is filled with chatter from the moment she wakes up. the crazy thing is how she understands when you ask her certain questions and responds appropriately. we are reading to her more and more to help foster this part of her development. it's also an excuse to SNUGGLE!!!!!!!
the smell of baking is filling my kitchen which means....i've got to go! hope everyone has a wonderfully beautiful day!!!
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