happy {late} birthday honey!!

Friday, March 4, 2011 |
while it might not look like it from this picture....THIS is the face of a man who is excited to be 29! i promise, he really is ;) i'm getting to it late {bad blogger!} but on 2.26 we celebrated the last of ryan's twenties. mine is close behind so i don't feel bad exposing him as the elderly man he is....i'm right behind him.
in all seriousness {maybe i'll feel differently this time next year} but what is so darn scary about 30? we're ready. we embrace it. bring 30 on! for now, 29 will do and i know that it's going to be a good year for my honey! we hung out with family lazy style and fired up the grill. pretty much the perfect way to spend the afternoon especially with the weather getting more gorgeous by the day. have i mentioned how much i LOVE gainesville in the springtime?
emma kept us on her toes as she toddled around the pool deck. thankfully we have a safety fence all installed so there is no danger there....but a 13 month old, walking around on concrete, while trying to carry 10 toys at once....yea, a little nervewracking. such is our life these days ;)

how can a walking toddler be exhausting, you ask?? oooh well how about, for example, there is no such thing as "private time" in the bathroom anymore.  for some reason, this child LOVES the bathroom. so much so we have to keep the door closed when we're not in there because she'll find her way in.  bathroom trips are like family affairs these days.....emma tags along and usually has the entire roll of toilet paper unraveled in about 10 seconds.  or, her ability to ravage hours worth of cleaning in about 20 minutes.  on days off, i'll spend a few hours tidying up our house and getting things in order before picking emma. i don't know why i even try because within minutes of getting home, it's back to square one.  she's our little supercute tazmanian devil ;)
as is typical anytime the grandparents stop by, emma received her own gift on ryan's birthday. grandpa murphy scooped up a mini camping chair at a garage sale that was perfect emma size. she was in love....sitting in her "big girl chair" all day. every morning when she wakes up and comes into the playroom, her chair is the first place she stops.
she climbs in, smiles big, and kicks her legs with joy. it's pretty much the cutest thing ever.
of course, she likes to keep it classy with poses like this :)
ryan and i are excited to be heading away next weekend for an adults only weekend in amelia island.  my parents, in quite possibly the greatest christmas gift of all time, purchased a weekend away at amelia island plantation. we're staying in a luxurious oceanfront suite and emma gets to spend the weekend with her grandparents.  see....the PERFECT gift :)


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