wild & free : this family of mine

Thursday, May 28, 2015 | | 0 comments
the last few months of life have looked a little like how i feel when i've had 2 too many cups of coffee.  active and busy. all go and no stop. hectic but full of fun and some really meaningful events.

but now, finally, it's time to slow down and focus our energy on doing a whole lotta nothin' for a while.  just soaking one another in since, after all, thats really what i love doing best.  i love me a good slow summer.

this is an exciting season in our life with a lot of big, long awaited changes in the works. a new job, a new kindergartener, a new house to name a few....yet at the core we are, and always be, exactly the same.  full of love and crazy, crazy love.

i love this family of mine and called on a dear dear friend (Jenn Hopkins you are one amazing lady! we love you) to capture this special moment for us in one of the best ways i know possible...her beautiful pictures that somehow capture exactly who and where WE are in life.  she has a true and wonderful gift.

i'll let them do all the talking. (i wish i could show them ALL but i think i might shut down the internet!)  they will soon cover the walls of our new farmhouse and remind me that what i have right now is all i'll ever need.  i can't wait.

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