
Friday, December 30, 2016 | | 0 comments
on this second to last day of 2016, it feels like the right time to say goodbye.

goodbye to waiting for more time to try out that new hobby.  i can’t even begin to count the times that i’ve told myself, “….later, when i’m not so busy” when it comes to trying new things.  i’ve started to collect quite the list of things i’d like to do or places i’d like to go and an equally as long (if not longer) list of reasons why i can’t.  reasons 1-1000 are all “not enough time” and that has just suddenly become more ridiculous than i can stand any longer.  i'm not sure exactly what it is i’m waiting for or what magical tree this time is going to drop out of.  and so it’s time to say goodbye to this nonsense otherwise known as procrastination and dive in to more creative scheduling, come hell or high water. you may know i love to write but you may not know i love to sing. and i'm pretty sure i would love playing guitar if only i learned how. and so my 2017 will have all of these things in it, i am determined!

goodbye to the fear that i’m not enough.  confident enough to not care if accomplishing as much at work as the person next to me.  smart and strong enough to voice my true opinion or share my idea in that conversation.  loved enough to expect more out of my relationships; to pour more into the ones that fill me up and to finally say farewell to the ones that have run their course.  vulnerable enough to speak my truth.  and to ask for help more readily when i need it, when i’m bone tired and burned out and just need a minute for myself.  good enough to commit to making myself and my mental and physical health a real, true….not just a cute new years resolution…priority.  broken and brave enough to know how to find beauty in the every day pieces of my perfectly imperfect life.  honest enough to look at my life on a regular basis and make sure i'm doing the things i love and enjoy, not just getting by.  loving enough to live life presently and with open arms.  gracious enough to make a space for everyone at my table.  enough in all of the ways that matter.

goodbye to relying on social media so heavily to help maintain friendships.  this is a tough one.  see #1.  time is this thing that none of us have enough of and so these social media platforms make it so easy to seemingly keep in touch with people in our lives.  but what I want for myself in this year is to hold you, my friends, more tightly and to look you in the eyes.  i want to know the you behind the shiny Facebook posts; i want to hear about your vacation straight from your mouth and hear about how your children are growing up to be beautiful complicated little beings.  i want to share coffee and break bread and spend what little precious time we have talking about how work is hard and life is confusing and how did we get here anyway?  i miss these things and want more of them in the years to come.  please consider this an open invitation to call me, send me a message, text, email or otherwise communicate with me outside of the bizarre confines of social media. i would so love it.

goodbye to so many other things that simply don’t serve me anymore. it feels good to shed these heavy layers and leave them behind.

i’ve always loved the new year and this year is no different.  i like the symbolism of it all. the chance to re-evaluate how things have gone in the past 365 days and to turn a page and start anew.

and finally, on this last day of the year there is one more goodbye to say.  today feels like the right time to say goodbye to this blog.  this blog i love so much but have left vacant and lonely for so long. this blog that has housed my words as i've traveled through some seriously huge life moments. from getting married, to having emma and benjamin , to health scares, joining our amazing church, along with residency and fellowship.  add in family trips, every day moments and thousands upon thousands of pictures this place has been a treasure chest of sorts to me especially now as i look back.   i’ve wrestled with what to do with this space for a long time and finally arrived at this.   it wasn’t an easy decision but i know that it is the right one.  you won’t find me here but i’ve got something new in the works and promise to share when the time is just right.

Happiest New Year my dear friends.  may we all spend our moments of 2017 living engaged, present, full and meaningful lives.  three hundred and sixty five chances to leave the world better than we found it. ready...set...GO!

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