30. and a princess.

Friday, August 19, 2011 | | 0 comments

How Far Along: 30 weeks, 1 day!

Size of baby:  baby ben is the size of a large squash {3 lbs, 18in}

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 23 pounds! holy moly!

Maternity Clothes: bring on the maternity pants and sundresses!! still wearing my old tops but those elastic waistbands and flowy dresses are my best friend these days :) by virtue of work, i wear alot of scrubs these days too which saves on having to buy maternity clothes!

Gender: it's a boy!!!! Benjamin Ryan Murphy, we can't wait to meet you!!!!

What I miss: sleeping on my belly! who am i kidding? restful sleep in general....

Cravings: mmmm apple juice. so wierd!

Symptoms: ben is everywhere! so...it's hard to breathe, and i constantly feel like i have to run to the ladies room. joy!  being this pregnant in the middle of the summer is pretty uncomfortable, not going to lie.

Best Moment this week: getting a clean bill of healthy baby & mommy health at our OB appt this week.  the little dude is right on track!! emma came along and got to hear her brother's strong heartbeat! i can't believe we are really about to be a family of 4!!

everyone in our house is getting a snazzy new bedroom in the next couple of weeks.  ryan is almost done with our renovation {AMAZING!!!!!!!!}!! the nursery will turn into ben's room with a few updates (we are planning for an elephant theme!)....and EMMA is getting a BIG girl room fit for a princess.

i seriously cannot wait to put her new room together.  ryan and i are currently using her to-be room as our bedroom as the renovation is completed....and in the meantime i am acquiring all the goodies for em's room and am SO excited!!!!

i purchased this princess tent from one of my favorite websites, Land of Nod.  it came today and while i had intended to wait to set it up in her new room....we couldn't help ourselves.  emma LOVES it....and her reaction just gets me even more excited for her new room to come together!!!!!! ahhh!!! :)

wonder woman

emma has taken a particular liking to wonder woman these days :)

funny because her mom is feeling like the opposite of a superhero these days.  i am not complaining in the slightest....i couldn't be more grateful and excited for the things going on in our life lately.  BUT, i can easily say that the juggle of being 30 weeks pregnant in the middle of a Florida summer, soaking up my beautiful little lady and amazing hubby, and working 30 hour shifts every 4th day is sucking the life out of me!!!  this is probably the hardest i've ever worked in my life and i'm feeling it.

wonder woman i am not.  but i'm hanging in there. and i know that it will all be worth it in just a few short {but difficult} weeks.  so wonder woman i am not....little engine that could....maybe ;)

emma is into it all and curious as can be.  here she is helping daddy send work emails.  if you got a little something special in your inbox, pardon us ;)

little miss got her first pedicure at home the other day....bubblegum pink toes for our little sweetie! :) thank heaven for little girls!

my posting is few and far between these days.....i don't have much to share in the way of thoughts as my brain is pretty fried! thankfully, this little wonder woman and her daddy are keeping me going :)

when you're happy like a fool...

Friday, August 5, 2011 | | 0 comments
...let it take you over :)

i've been listening to that song (good life, one republic) on repeat lately. it makes me happy. like a fool. just like the effect a certain little lady has on me!

my schedule gets a little hectic for the next 2 months as i finish up a very front loaded start to my 3rd year of residency.  ryan has been encouraging me to try and avoid feeling so totally overwhelmed by it all by thinking of it in week long increments as opposed to 2 months worth of hard work.  it's a tough exercise for me but so far it really is working....and it's making me a lot less stressed about a potentially quite stressful situation.  i'll spare details but i won't see another full weekend off until October! 

that being said, there is just so much to be happy about. and grateful for. 

ryan got some great news this evening at work and we are ready to relax and celebrate this evening ~ i'm so proud of him :) i'm overnight tomorrow in the hospital so it's time to get some much needed rest prior to a potentially hectic day!

happy weekend!!!!! and in the words of my favorite 18 month old...."ohhhh toodles!!"

first aid received...

Monday, August 1, 2011 | | 0 comments
i have tons of photos from the beach to share but first i had to post some from our end of last week ;)  our little sweet one is full of fun these days!

27 and a half weeks and feeling PRETTY uncomfortable.  {ryan and i agree that the belly is way bigger now than this time last pregnancy!}.  nevertheless, nothing makes me feel better than kisses from my girl!

ryan came home with emma on thursday with a baby gator "incident report" in hand.  these are filled out for a variety of reasons including misbehavior or an accident that happened at school.  my first reaction was "oh no, what did she do?"!.  come to find out, one of her classmates pinched her on the playground as they were waiting turns to go down the slide.  why, i aughtta....! ;)

the reports are so funny in a way because they are so "official".  there are sections for "piece of equipment involved" {in this case "another child"}, "description of event", and "steps taken to prevent reoccurance".  it's like a little baby police report in a way! ha!

the best part of this report...

"First Aid Received: HUGS".

we died laughing and will probably save this to share with her when she's older.  TOO CUTE in my book!

wishing you all a happy monday filled with lots of hugs from those you love :)  next up, pictures from the beach!!!

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