the end of the year, as i'm sure it true for many, always finds me reflecting on the year gone by. 2014 was a good year ~ one filled with lots of hard work (building a business is no easy feat!), family trips (the mountains are our favorite from this year!), savoring relationships with dear friends, and the exciting decision to accept a faculty position at UF in the fall (yay! more on that later). the kids are growing up fast (lighting speed!) and are just constantly amazing us with their sweet hearts and the funny things they say. i truly wish i could bottle up their fantastic little spirits right where they are right at this very moment and hold on to them forever. bittersweet, i tell you.
2014 had its share of difficult moments to boot and from each and every one of those, we will happily walk away but also learn and grow ~ and it's really hard not to be strangely thankful for that.
a wise man (ralph waldo emerson) once wrote, "write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year." at first glance it might seem cheesy but as i consider it more fully i love the truth in his words. we celebrate the sparkle and excitement of the new year, and rightfully so! but, amongst a list of resolutions for the new year, i'm going to carry with me the gentle reminder to embrace each day for what it is.
every day is a blessing. be it filled with celebration, simple moments, or even frustration & grief. some days may look and feel a whole lot better than others, but each one we get is a blessing all it's own. so go ahead, write it on your heart. and don't let it be forgotten.
i'm looking forward to the next 365 best days of my life. and i hope you are too.
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