i resolve to be here more. to bring my thoughts, our stories, my authentic self. writing brings me such joy and brings with it a sense of therapeutic relief. it's fun, it's difficult, but most of all it is something that i really really enjoy (for a variety of very different reasons). and i've put it off for the past few months because, well, "there just aren't enough hours in the day." but as i continue to remind myself....we make time for the the things, the people, the experiences that are important. easier said than done, i know....but worthy of striving for nonetheless.
the end of the year, as i'm sure is true in most homes, flew by in a flash. but i will say with absolute certainty, that it was the most magical holiday season of my life. the kids got it this year. i mean, really truly GOT it. they were so enmeshed in the magic, the festivity of it all and it was truly a dream. from cookie baking to story telling to tradition creating....it was complete and total perfection. perfection, mind you, that was laced with lots of crazy hectic insanity....but perfection nonetheless. i wouldn't have changed one minute of it.
and now it is a new year. full of blank slates, do overs, and wonderous possibility. i am so looking forward to it.
we have but one real tried and true new years resolution this year and here it is. LIVE MORE SIMPLY. in all aspects of our life. we have so many blessings and so much to be thankful for....and i find that it's easier to appreciate all of that when things aren't so darn complicated. so simple it is. i like simple. i can (try to) do simple.
ben's new phrase-on-repeat is "whassup bua" as he chases our poor cat around the house and emma has been very concerned with whether or not her barbie's are smart. "I know they are very pretty, mommy. But are they smart?" (there are about 50 different reactions i have to that little conversation which all end with "hell yea. you go girl!") we love these kids and hope to dissipate at least a fraction of their tazmanian devil sytle energy with the multiple trampolines they got for christmas. seems simple enought, right?
right. so here's to you 2014. you are going to be just simply wonderful, i can already tell.
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