random thoughts have popped into my head and funny or shareworthy events have happened in the murphylife but we've just been so caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily living that i haven't gotten around to blogging in a bit. we've just been enjoying the small things...
emmatude: noun. the large and in charge ATTITUDE held by one certain almost two year old. i'm not sure "enjoying" is the right word. perhaps "experiencing" is better....or "trying to survive". ha! she's still our same little sweet pea about 75% of the time. but, catch her at the right time and it's like a mr. jekyll and mr. hyde type scenario. total screaming meltdowns over outfits in the mornings {outfits, mind you, that SHE picked out}, laying face down on the floor yelling "NO" at the top of her lungs, and my very least favorite ~ slapping. yea....that kind of stuff. we're learning how to best approach her in these moments and it ain't easy, let me tell you! we've just started time outs which i'm hoping will help. it's really hard and upsetting and while i know it's totally age appropriate, that doesn't make it any easier. that all being said, i understand where it comes from. imagine having all these new emotions and thoughts in your head and not being able to fully express them....i get it. its all frustration based and i try to keep that in mind when all hell is breaking loose at the hands of an angry emma ;)
22 months. when she's not busting out the aformentioned 'tude, she's literally astounding me every day with the little person she is becoming. she is so talkative...and so independent. she told us last night right before bathtime "emma potty please" and promptly peed on her potty. she'll announce when her diaper is dirty and ask for a change....so we're going to start the training process over the holidays. she loves to dance more than anything in the world....particularly the "chicken dance". you know, the horrible one they play at every wedding you've ever been to? we still spend evenings dancing around the house! other loves include making art on her easel, showers, reading in her princess tent, shoes, "baby ben", and
anything that involves her going "outside". she likes to give besos and hugs before bed....and enjoys trying to stall going "night night". last night, she kept asking to give kisses to everything in her room in an attempt to stay up....."turtle kiss?" {her nightlight is a turtle}, "map kiss?" and my personal favorite....."carpet kiss?". her smiles still light up a room and watching her with her little brother just melts my heart. she's become a bit of a picky eater....really not a fan of vegetables other than green beans {although the girls at daycare have gotten her to like cooked carrots...yuck!}...so we are working on that. and after weaning almost off the pacis, ben's arrival has her in a bit of a relapse...another thing we're working on ;)
mister b. ONE MONTH OLD!!! my my how time flies ;) he's just the sweetest most mellow little dude around. i love that he's more alert everyday. he's smiling these days which is so fun. he still loves to be on his playmat and can almost roll from back to front...it's insane! he loves tummy time that much that he will roll from his back to his side and make attempts to go to the front. he loves to snuggle which i LOVE and makes the sweetest little coos and grunts. he's sleeping pretty well these days....he usually goes down around 9-10 and sleeps until 2-3 and then eats again at around 5:30-6. room for improvement but pretty decent! he's still sleeping in the pack n play in our room but will make the transition to his crib in a few weeks. love this little man.
here come the holidays. we are hosting thanksgiving at our place on thursday. i'm a little overwhelmed with the responsibility....i have such amazing memories of holiday dinners and the warm inviting ambiance created at my parents house...so i feel like i have HUGE shoes to fill. it won't be as nice as the holiday they create but everyone will be together under one roof and thats all that really matters in the end. it's hard to believe that last thanksgiving emma wasn't even one year old and now we have two little turkeys to bring to the table.
i've totally fallen off the blogging bandwagon and i can actually feel it. this blog is a little dose of stress relief (i.e. therapy!) for me so i'm hoping to make more time for this important little part of my week. stay tuned...