hi friends!
ryan and i did the unbearable tonight....we finally hunkered down and did our taxes. it will feel good to get that check in the mail but MAN is it annoying to fill in all those crazy turbo tax blanks.
emma is now officially 15 months old! her stats are pretty impressive if you ask her short stubby mama. she weighs in at 27 lb and 1 oz and is 32 inches long {which puts her in the 80-90th %ile, wow!}. compare that to 7 lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches at birth. boy have we come a long way! her checkup went great....she is right on track and even ahead of the game with her developmental milestones. and, according to the doctor, she is actually quite a bit more verbal than expected for her age {read on to see why this is particularly meaningful}. this comes as
no surprise given the amount of chatter in our house. she knows quite a few words {about 15!}and as of late
all she wants to do is read. she is a little sponge and will copy anything you do {both a blessing and a curse!}.
the only not so great part of our appointment was the final decision on the part of us and our pediatrician for a referral to the ENT (ear, nose, and throat) doctor. it's a conversation that has been ongoing over the past few months. emma has had issues with recurrent ear infections which are common in kids her age because of the way the ear tubes are shaped which doesn't allow for proper drainage of collected fluid. she also has allergies which, while much improved on medication, leads to a chronic state of at least mild congestion - increasing the risk for ear infections.
kids all eventually grow out of this but the ultimate concern, aside from her feeling poorly when she has an ear infection and needing antibiotics, is for that of hearing loss and the potential for that to effect her language development. thankfully, in her case, this is clearly
not a problem and our doctor is not concerned....that's why i say that her talkative nature is so reassuring. but, we wouldn't want it to become one down the line so we'll be going to see the specialist in a few weeks to see if it would be worthwhile to pursue "myringotomy tubes" {or just "ear tubes" for short"}. they are teeny tiny tubes that open the eardrums and provide easy drainage and prevent recurrent ear infections.
ryan and i were
very hesitant at first, a completely normal parental reaction in my book. plus my experience with surgeons in general {please don't be offended if you are a surgeon or have ties to one as this is a gross generalization} is that they are hot to hit the OR. i want someone a little more conservative and who will give us all the pros and cons and will listen to and address our concerns. the procedure itself is short but does require general anesthesia. insert a terrified mother here!! that said, we'll go and we'll listen and we'll make a decision with all the information at hand. as our pediatrician said...."it's not a commitment, it's an appointment".
because emma is so interested in copying what the "big kids" are doing and she is particularly interested in the bathroom, we recently bought her a potty chair to keep in the bathroom and begin to learn what exactly the fuss is about. she was very intrigued when we first brought it out. SO much so that she promptly took it into the living room to lounge in. she takes it everywhere. this morning she even took out the removeable bowl and used it as a dish to keep her breakfast bar in. EXACTLY what we intended it for.... ;)
then, it was time to watch cartoons on the potty.
after cartoons and breakfast, she was satisfied with potty time and took the chair back into the bathroom. she was taking a little longer than i'd like and i started to hear rustling in the bathroom closet. when i checked on her, what did i find {i apologize in advance to any squeamish men out there...}??
mom, what in the WORLD are these for?? sorry baby girl...THAT lesson you're gonna have to wait for. she makes me laugh day in and day out. never EVER a dull moment around here ;)
finally, we're nearing the end of the 1st trimester as we hit the 12 week landmark today. Here's an update!
How Far Along: 12 weeks!
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a large plum! {2.5 inches long, 0.5oz}
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 3lbs....here we go...
Maternity Clothes: still wearing all my old clothes {although not fully zipped!} with the help of hairbands looped through the button hole. maternity pants are SO much more comfy though. just as an aside, i definitely feel like i'm getting bigger way faster than last time!
Gender: not sure yet! i have my sneaking suspicions....but we'll have to wait until May. we have an ongoing poll on our fridge, come on by and leave your vote!
What I miss: comfortable sleep as i've been having wierd hip aches and pains.
Cravings: still into the fruit like crazy. i treat myself to a delicious full fat dessert once a week too :)
Symptoms: honestly feel like i turned a corner last week. sleepy but feeling great.
Best Moment this week: listening to the heartbeat on the handheld doppler machine some more :) :) :)
i'll leave you with a few more of emma reading with her daddy just because i find it so dang cute!